Women Designers You Should Know

008. Muriel Cooper and Kelli Anderson: From Print to Pixels

Episode Summary

This dual feature episode explores Muriel Cooper’s groundbreaking innovations in user interface and information design at MIT, alongside Kelli Anderson’s boundary-pushing work in paper art and design, inspired by Cooper’s merging of technology and creativity.

Episode Notes

This dual feature episode explores Muriel Cooper’s groundbreaking innovations in user interface and information design at MIT, alongside Kelli Anderson’s boundary-pushing work in paper art and design, inspired by Cooper’s merging of technology and creativity.


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About Muriel Cooper

Muriel Cooper (1925-1994) was a pioneering graphic designer known for her groundbreaking work in digital design and visual communication. As the first art director of MIT Press, she revolutionized academic publishing with her innovative book designs, including "Learning from Las Vegas." She co-founded the Visible Language Workshop at MIT, which evolved into the MIT Media Lab, where she spearheaded research in computer graphics and user interface design. Cooper's legacy endures through her contributions to integrating design with technology and her advocacy for women in the field.


About Kelli Anderson

Kelli Anderson is an innovative artist, designer, and educator known for her inventive paper engineering and interactive books. With a background in both design and art, she creates works that explore the intersection of art, technology, and everyday objects, often transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. Kelli’s notable projects include a functioning paper record player and a pop-up planetarium book, showcasing her ability to merge creativity with technical skill. Her work has been widely recognized and celebrated for its ingenuity and playful approach to design.

Instagram: @kellianderson
Website: kellianderson.com



Book: Muriel Cooper (Mit Press) by Reinfurt and Wiesenberger
Eye on Design “Muriel Coopers Visions of a Future”
Designer Observer’s Podcast episode w/ Michael Beirut & Jessica Helfand"Learning from Muriel Cooper"
YouTube, Talks at Google — “Muriel Cooper” by David Reinfurt